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Listen and Repeat: L and R Minimal Pairs

From Rachels's great video shows the L and R Minimal Pairs...listen and repeat it! they are all hard for a lot of people to sound them well...

Consonant Blends: sp, nk, cr, sm, …

A great video for prasctising the Consonant Blends: sp, nk, cr, sm, …Don't miss it, PRACTISE right now! U can make it!

About the W [w] Pronunciation

Some words cotains [w] Pronunciation, like well, wish, wine and so on, they are hard for a lot of people. and the sentense like When would you want to see the flower show?

68 Words with “R” /r/

This is a GREAT video! Listen and repeat each word 2 times to help brush up your English pronunciation. All these words are spoken by an American man.

145 Words with “L”

Listen and repeat each word 2 times to help brush up your English pronunciation. Then, come back again tomorrow and practice again.




KK音标标注的是美国英语发音。除美国外,澳大利亚,菲律宾等一些国家也广泛采用美式英语。很多广播电台和电影都是用美式英语。 【20160608#更新:DJ音标 和 KK音标】 KK音标表元音: KK音标表辅音:
