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68 Words with “R” /r/

Listen and repeat each word 2 times to help brush up your English pronunciation.

The words are spoken by an American man.

right, around, really, area, already, room, report, round, road, result, real, read, run, range, rather, rate, reason, return, recent, various, rice, wrote, running, recently, risk, original, writing, roll, reading, rise, review, ready, river

probably, present, price, practice, private, president, approach, April, property, press, previous, program, great, agree, green, degree, train, try, true, country, control, strong, street, from, friend, free, front, bring, brought, across, increase, through, three, children, hundred

via: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEPj0kJmU9U

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