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What’s you name?

What’s your full name?

What’s meaning of your name?

What’s your surname (family name)?

When were you born?

What’s your birthday?

Where were you born?

Where are you from?

Where do you live (in China)?

Where do you come from?

Which road or street are you in?

Are you single? / Have you married?

Do you have any brother or sister?

How many members are there in your family?

Can you introduce your family?

What do your parents do?

What’s your father’s profession? And your mother?

What’s your profession / occupation?

What are your parent’s salaries (annual incomes)?

Can I look at your Bankbook?

Who will pay all your fees for your study?

Who will support your study in France?

Who will pay your courses fees?

Who will sponsor you?

Who will pay the money?

How much does it cost for your study?

How much is your tuition fees?

Do you think it is expensive?

How much is the living expense?

Have you paid all the fees for your study?

Do you think it expensive?

Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?

Did your parents agree that you study in France? Why?

What are you doing now?

Where are you working now?

Can you introduce yourself?

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