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  A Famous Person
  1. who and what the person is
  2. when and how you got to know this person
  3. his or her influence nowadays
  4. what you think of him or her
  T: Well, there are many famous people around, in various fields. But the first one popping into my mind is Jane Austen, a notable English novelist.
  S: It is Pride and Prejudice, her best known work that brought her name to me. I happened to watch the film when I was quite a little girl and was instantly attached to it. For me, it was like a magic world of a different language and culture. Greatly touched by the romantic love story of Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, I tried to read the book, starting with the Chinese version and then the English one. Every time I am reading her clever words, I am always struck by her ironic, humorouswriting style and can never be tired of them.
  Surely I am not the only one that likes her. There are countless admirers of her around the world. Though she lives centuries ago, her great influence remains till now and will beyond. We can tell that from the constant adapted films and dramas.
  E: For me, Jane Austen is the very first one who introduces me to the beauty of English. And she is not just a famous figure in Britain but also belongs to the world.

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