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英国16岁少年做互联网 成百万富豪(组图)

Now one can argue about whether the Web really needs more than 300 million ads strewn all over its pristine pages. But one can surely only admire the fact that Branchr seems not only to be doing well, but also to have already acquired another company, Atomplan.


And between Mac Bundle Box and Branchr he`s made around 1.2 million British pounds, which is close to $2 million.

“Mac Bundle Box”和“Branchr”这两个公司,他净赚120万英镑,约合近200万美金。


Owens, who already employs eight people of legal drinking age, told the Mail: “I don`t know where I will be in 10 years time but I won`t leave Branchr until it has reached 100 million pounds.”


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