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英国16岁少年做互联网 成百万富豪(组图)

Owens does look a little on the nerdy side, with happily unruly curly hair and glasses that somehow reminded me of the cult classic “Joe 90” in which a 9-year-old becomes a special agent.


His words to the Mail, though, sound as if they came from an old man who has seen it all: “I think everyone has business sense in them, they just need to gain experience and be determined to make it.”



Though he admires Apple`s magical revolution, Owens isn`t quite so convinced that magic truly has any part of business success. “There is no magical formula to business, it takes hard work, determination and the drive to do something great,” he told the Mail.


His determination is so great that he has already created a new company, Branchr, a pay-per-click advertising company that distributes more than 300 million ads every month all over the Web.


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